Oil & Gas

APS634 175C Pressure Transducer
The APS634 pressure sensor is designed for continuous operation at 175C. The parts are first characterized over the pressure and temperature range then a high order equation is fit to the data and the coefficients are shipped with the APS634. The OEM just needs to load the coefficients into their microprocessor and read the APS634 milli-volt output for the temperature corrected pressure.

APS400 | APS600 Permanent Downhole Gauges
The ASP400/600 series of permanent downhole gauges are based on the same proven designs as the ASP73 and APS80’s. The APS400’s are single or dual transducers that measure pressure and temperature from a single TEC cable. The APS600’s are pass through gauges. Up to 24 can be placed on a single TEC cable. The APS600 has a single side port, the APS620 has two side ports. Cable head assemblies are available for the permanent downhole gauges.

ASB100 Spooler Box for APS400/600’s
The ASB100 is designed to monitor the in well installation of the APS400/600 gauges. The IP67 Pelican case attaches to the side of the TEC cable reel and connects to the end of the TEC cable. Lights on the side of the case indicate if the ASB100 can read the APS400/APS600 transducer being installed. The rechargeable batteries will monitor the installation for up to 24 hours and are easily swappable with externally charged batteries.

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